The P versus NP problem is one of the Millenium Problems and according to Stephen Smale one of "the three greatest open problems of mathematics" and "a gift to mathematics from computer science". Its first formulation is due to Stephen Cook in 1967. Our research approaches this and related problems with means of mathematical logic. Special focus is given to Proof Complexity and Bounded Arithmetic.
The education in mathematical logic is a joint effort with the chair of pure mathematics. It aims to show the full breadth of the discipline, and, in subareas close to research interests of the involved chairs, leads to current research topics.

02.25 Guest Yijia Chen (Shanghai)
12.24 GuestJan Pich (Uni Oxford)
11.24 Guest Isolde Adler (Uni Bamberg)
10.24 Keynote talk Colloquium Logicum, TU Vienna
09.24 Talk at JAF in Passau
09.24 Talk at Proof Complexity, Uni Oxford
07.24 Guest Yijia Chen (Shanghai)
06.24 Talk Prague Logic Seminar
06.24 Research visit Neil Thapen (Prague)
05.24 Guest Mykyta Narusevych (Prague)
05.24 Guest Ondreij Jezil (Prague)
05.24 Guest Manuel Bodirsky (Dresden)
04.24 Participation (online) MFO workshop
03.24 Talk AlMoTh, Ilmenau
03.24 Research visit of Bonacina, Barcelona
02.24 Guest Albert Atserias (Barcelona)
01.24 Guest Anton Freund (Würzburg)
01.24 Guest Yijia Chen (Shanghai)
Moritz Müller
Room: HK30 102
Tel.: +49(0)851 509 4660
Anke Berger
Room: HK30 228d
Tel.: +49(0)851 509 5025
Postal address
Universität Passau
Lehrstuhl Mathematische Logik
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger Straße 30
94032 Passau