
The Institute of Software Systems in Technical Applications of Computer Science (FORWISS) defines itself as the University's interface with the world of business. The institute implements innovative research developments for small and medium-sized enterprises, corporations, research conglomerates and public-sector initiatives alike. The institute's core competencies encompass image and signal processing, optical measurement algorithms, applications for 3D printing and driver assistance technology.
Institute of Software Systems in Technical Applications of Computer Science
PIDS (successor of ISL)
The Passau Institute of Digital Security (PIDS) was established in February 2020 and is an institute of the University of Passau. It is the successor of the Institute for IT Security and Security Law (ISL) and like its predecessor, it is interdisciplinary and deals with technical, economic and legal aspects of IT security. Scientists from all faculties of the university work together in PIDS on new and innovative solutions for cyber security.
The key concern of the Mathematics and Informatics Education Unit (LMI) is to provide early university-level mathematics and computer science education to gifted pupils while still at school; it also aims to foster strong relationships with schools in the region. The institute has its focus on teaching and research activities in mathematics didactics and computer science didactics.
Taking 'From Science to Business' as its motto, the Institute of Information Systems and Software Engineering (IFIS) offers businesses in the region and from further afield science-based know-how in the planning and implementation of modern information systems. The services offered centre on the design, implementation and evaluation of software systems; providing expert opinions and feasibility studies; and last but not least, on providing a well-rounded qualification and continuing education programme.