All project descriptions, ranging from First Project to Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Diploma Thesis and PhD Thesis should follow principle design guidelines.
Golden 6 x C - Rule
Since your are all getting more and more involved into paper writing, please follow strictly the golden rule of 6 x C :
- Clarity
- Correctness
- Conciseness
- Consistency
- Connectedness
- Completeness
This should be explained to you by your supervisor and is about how to choose your arguments carefully.
The 6 "Cs" apply to all academic texts alike: Papers, PhD theses, Diploma theses, reports etc.
Document Structure
The project thesis has to be structured according to the following standard:
- Abstract (Kurzfassung)
- Introduction (Einleitung)
This should include an overview of the thesis/project description (what is explained in which section/chapter) - Main body of work description (Hauptteil)
- Related Work (Bezug zu anderen Arbeiten)
- Conclusions (Zusammenfassung, Bewertung und Ausblick)
- References (Literatur)
Figures and equations:
All figures in project descriptions/theses must have a title and possibly a legend. All figures and equations must be numbered, as well as sections (reports), subsections and chapters (books).
References to any object (figures, equations, sections etc.) must be done explicitly, that is, with pointers, rather than by means of loose connections as in shown above. That should be avoided all together.
Submittal form
The final version of your work has to be submitted in several bound copies. The following table shows the number, colour, and cover types applicable for the different thesis types and where these copies need to be submitted to.
Thesis type | Cover colour | Submission to examination office | Submission to secretary | Submission to supervisor (e-mail) |
Master thesis | Black | 3 (+1*) standard | 1 hardbound, 1 CD | |
Bachelor thesis | Blue | 2 (+1*) standard | 1 standard, 1 CD | |
Programming project | Red | 0 | 2 standard, 1 CD | |
Lectureship study | Green | 0 | 2 standard, 1 CD | |
Seminar | (Yellow) | 0 | 0 | PDF & sources |
*The examination office offers to provide one additional copy at the library. Before deciding to do so, please discuss this issue with your supervisor, since in some cases, your thesis might contain confidential material.
Cover types
- standard:
The cover should have a transparent top lid (displaying your title page) and a colored back (see appropriate color according to table above). Spiral binding must not be used. Use glued/adhesive binding (Klebebindung) or instant/clamp binding (Klemmbindung) instead. - hardbound:
The work should be bounded in (black) hard covers. Use glued/adhesive binding (Klebebindung) or instant/clamp binding (Klemmbindung).
The final version will be two-sided.
In case of questions, get in contact with your supervisor who will show you examples.
Standard cover

Hardbound cover

The CD should contain
- your thesis in PDF,
- all sources of the document, such as LaTeX source files and graphics, as well as graphic sources,
- a valid BibTeX entry for our own work,
- if there has been practical work, your implementation (sources and binaries, if applicable) in a documented form (e.g., Java files should comprise the JavaDoc standard),
- experimental results (if applicable) in a documented form.
For seminars please provide all both your slides and your paper in source and PDF version. If you hand in documents electronically, please name your files in the following scheme:
P2P_03_oberende_AllocationRe_paper.zip (LaTeX source including graphics)
Please check with our supervisor beforehand, to ensure you understand all the requirements. Before hand-in verify, that all copies have been signed and that the electronic version is up-to-date.