Entwicklung und Leistungsuntersuchung von Protokollen für P2P-Dienste in Mobilfunknetzen (MoPi2)
DFG Project (Grant: ME 1703/4-1, ME 1703/4-2)

Principle Investigator
Hermann de Meer
Combining Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and mobile communication is very promising. On the one hand, P2P applications provide attractive services to users and allow a high utilization of systems. On the other hand, using P2P techniques support cheaper implementation and maintenance of mobile systems. Therefore, it is of fundamental interest to examine how P2P and mobile communication, which are both very popular and fundamental techniques, can be merged. P2P paradigms cannot be applied directly to mobile contexts, because of substantial differences between wired and wireless networks. This project is aiming at identifying, classifying, and improving P2P techniques for mobile environments.
Former Project
Design and Prototype of a Mobile P2P Architecture (MoPi1)
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