
Prof. Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser
Room ITZ/IH 120
Innstr. 33
Phone: +49(0)851/509-3040
Brief CV
- 2001: Diploma in Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology
- 2003-2005: Research Assistant, Chair for Theoretical Computer Science and Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Technische Universität München
- 2004: PhD in Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology
- 2006-2007: Senior Scientist, Philips Research Europe, Information and System Security Group
- 2008-2011: Assistant Professor, Techische Universität Darmstadt
- 2009: Habilitation in Computer Science, Technische Universität München
- 2012-2019: Professor, Technische Universität Darmstadt
- since 2019: Professor, Universität Passau
Research Activities
- Cryptographic protocols (design, analysis)
- Cryptographic techniques for noisy and fuzzy data
- Secure Critical Infrastructures and Railway Security
- Physically Unclonable Functions
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Watermarking
- Steganography and Covert Channels
- …
Professional Activities
- Associate editor of IEEE TDSC (2008-2011), ACM TOPS (2014-2020) and IEEE TIFS (2015-2018)
- Editor in chief of the EURASIP Journal on Information Security (2013-2017).
- Program Chair of IH'05, CMS'05, IWDW'07, IWDW'08, ACM DRM 2011, MMSEC 2012, GI Sicherheit 2014, ACM IH&MMSEC 2014, ARES 2015, TrustED2015, IFIP SEC 2016, ASHES 2020, ASHES 2021; Track chair at SOFSEM 2012 and EUSIPCO 2015; Workshop Chair of CCS 2013.
- General Chair of Information Hiding 09, TRUST 2012, CCS 2016
- Member of the steering committee of the ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security
- Organizer Dagstuhl events: Privacy and Security in Smart Energy Grids (December 2011), Genomic Privacy (October 2015), Privacy and Security in Smart Energy Grids (January 2016), The Renaissance of Information Hiding (March 2020)
- Program Committee member of various security conferences in different years such as CCS, ESORICS, PETS, NDSS, WIFS, ARES, FC, …
- Current funded projects, and past projects
- For a list of publications, please go to Google Scholar.
- You can find the most important publications at DBLP.
You really expect me to put private information on a public webpage? Well …
- My favourite comic: Dilbert.
- My favorite journal: Journal of Craptology.
- I am a member of, which publishes books on the history of the Austrian railway network.
- I enjoy riding my F800 GS and WR250R (mostly “onroad”, unfortunately).
- I collect manuals of German and Austrian train operators.